There is nothing that gives one joy like finding God's master plan, purpose, calling or destiny for your life. At a point in life, I just had to take a look at these closely knitted words:
TALENT, IDEA, POTENTIAL, CALLING, DESTINY, MASTER PLAN and CREATIVITY. Some of these words have same meanings. Calling, destiny and master plan mean the same thing, i.e talking about God's plan for you, what God has destined you to become.
Each and everyone on earth has a special calling to fulfill on earth, even the beggar on the street. So it is up to you to find yours and fully maximize it. Idea and creativity virtually have the same meaning. An idea is a compound thought that stimulates creativity. After creation, God handed over the baton of creation to man. So if you are not able to create or use your talent, you are not fulfilling purpose on earth.
Don't be a consumer of ideas. Be a manufacturer of ideas. Learn to think, or you stink.
If you don't have an idea about the nature of talents, you can use these questions as guides:
-What is that thing that I love doing freely?
-What is that thing that when I do it, I am not conscious of time or food?
-What is that which I can do for free but which people are willing to pay for?
-What is that which I am always motivated to do?
THAT IS YOUR TALENT. That's your meal ticket. Ideas rule the world. Not just ideas, but ideas that are put to use. Remember, ideas do expire. So put those ideas of your into use now. Let me repeat, if you refuse to think, you can't avoid stinking. Ideas come fresh when you are young.
Only 5% of the world think, 15% think they are actually thinking. While the other 85% don't think at all.
There are so many young talented people who are unfulfilled either because they over-thought it, or they were too cautious to take a leap of faith; i.e putting their talents to use. You better off-load (your talents) or you explode (unfulfilled). Your talent is you vision, so run with it. Remain blessed.
Your friend,
Ochi, Providence.
TALENT, IDEA, POTENTIAL, CALLING, DESTINY, MASTER PLAN and CREATIVITY. Some of these words have same meanings. Calling, destiny and master plan mean the same thing, i.e talking about God's plan for you, what God has destined you to become.
Each and everyone on earth has a special calling to fulfill on earth, even the beggar on the street. So it is up to you to find yours and fully maximize it. Idea and creativity virtually have the same meaning. An idea is a compound thought that stimulates creativity. After creation, God handed over the baton of creation to man. So if you are not able to create or use your talent, you are not fulfilling purpose on earth.
Don't be a consumer of ideas. Be a manufacturer of ideas. Learn to think, or you stink.
If you don't have an idea about the nature of talents, you can use these questions as guides:
-What is that thing that I love doing freely?
-What is that thing that when I do it, I am not conscious of time or food?
-What is that which I can do for free but which people are willing to pay for?
-What is that which I am always motivated to do?
THAT IS YOUR TALENT. That's your meal ticket. Ideas rule the world. Not just ideas, but ideas that are put to use. Remember, ideas do expire. So put those ideas of your into use now. Let me repeat, if you refuse to think, you can't avoid stinking. Ideas come fresh when you are young.
Only 5% of the world think, 15% think they are actually thinking. While the other 85% don't think at all.
There are so many young talented people who are unfulfilled either because they over-thought it, or they were too cautious to take a leap of faith; i.e putting their talents to use. You better off-load (your talents) or you explode (unfulfilled). Your talent is you vision, so run with it. Remain blessed.
Your friend,
Ochi, Providence.
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